Artistic Photography

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Liv, la petite modèle

I have always been fascinated by the simple fact that we all have different perspectives on the same object which is the world we live in. In my work in general, I realize that I tend to often let the roles' structure fade away: taking photos of the photographer, let the model take a photo of me, include the photographer or the model in a self-portrait series.

It reminds us that there is as many worlds as there are perceivers and as many roles as there are situations. The artist's job is to reveal what he sees, offer different perspectives on the reality. The way each of us looks at it is unique.

Liv has been a full-time model for the last 2 years. But she also takes photos. Her photography is delicate, precise. She directs very well, with a lot of silence, care and sharp observation for details.

Have a look at her work here

Last month, while she was preparing her trip to Montreal, we agreed to meet and pose for each other. Stef accepted to join us to be our assistant, backstage photographer, and make some duo photos.

The result is a series of three viewpoints: Liv's photos, Stephane's and mine. It is pretty fascinating to see how each of us look at the light, the volumes, the emotion. How the chemistry worked that day, and magic happened...

Behind the photos, the process in itself is so important, at least in the way Stef and I worked during of Fragments Identitaires's project. We always get to the location with the model without knowing what we are going to do. It is a very spontaneous process where the title of the photographer/model happens to fade away to leave space to only one inspiration. It almost becomes like a performance, where the photography is only a small part of the process, the most visible result.


